Five Practical Ways to Exercise and Stay Fit While Traveling

Five Ways to Stay Fit while Traveling

Vacations can sometimes mean lots of lounging on the beach, multiple trips to the hotel resort's breakfast buffet, and a small (or large) number of pina coladas during (and after) sunset. This, of course, is all well and good (you earned your precious vacation time, after all). But if you, like me, love frequenting your local gym when you're at home, indulging while on vacation and not being active can cause some anxiety. And, to make matters worse, sometimes it can even seem like there are actually no ways to exercise while traveling, even if we wanted to (the pool bar has lounge chairs for a reason!).

This lack of ways to exercise while traveling can be especially tough on digital nomads, as a lot of their time is spent on the road, living out of hotel rooms, and hanging out in airports. Sure, working from a beach and having meetings in global cafes is a dream lifestyle. But it does come at the cost of not having a monthly gym membership (for some digital nomads). This means that exercising while traveling becomes tough not just for a week or two, but for the long term.

So, whether you're a vacationer on a week long trip or a digital nomad living life abroad, how can you stay fit and exercise while on the move? Easy. You just have to get a little creative with what you've got. And, thankfully, it's rather simple if all you've got is yourself and a cellphone. So, without further ado, here are some of the best ways to exercise while traveling to get you moving:

Download a Few Body Weight Workout Apps

If a hotel gym isn't available to you, workout apps that are filled with body weight workouts can be a fit-minded traveler's best friend. Why? Because body weight workouts only require a small amount of space in your hotel room. I know what the heavy lifters are thinking - body weight exercises / workouts aren't intense enough. You'd be surprised. The first time I tried a body weight workout I was exhausted, out of breath, and ready for a nap. Needless to say, I was hooked. Its become easily one of my favorite ways to exercise while traveling, as I can fit a 20 minute workout in first thing in the morning, right in my hotel room, so I get it out of the way and get to the beach without skipping a beat.

There are tons of great workout apps out there. Some are free, and some cost money. Depending on what you're looking for, you may want to do some research. However the one I'd recommend to start is the Nike Training Club app. It is completely free, offers a variety of class lengths ranging from five minutes to over an hour, and includes body weight, light weight, and yoga workouts. Did I mention it's free?

Find Your Travel Zen with Yoga

Yoga is another one of my favorite ways to exercise while traveling because it can be done with minimal space and equipment, and it will not only provide a great workout, but also leave you feeling relaxed, refreshed and zen. Similar to the body weight workouts above, there are tons of great yoga apps out there to guide you through a yoga practice. Alo Moves costs about $20 USD per month. It features thousands of classes run by world renowned yoga instructors. All of the classes can be downloaded for offline use too. If you're looking for something a little more cost-effective, try Pocket Yoga. It doesn't offer the same variety of classes as Alo Moves, but, considering it's only a few dollars, it's pretty darn good, and will give you a great yoga workout that is equal parts relaxing and challenging.

Ditch the Rental Car

Rental cars are definitely great for exploring the far reaches of the place you're visiting, but one of the best ways to exercise while traveling without actually feeling like you're exercising is to walk. Walking is also one of the best ways to see a place as well. This is because you pay closer attention to the details when you're on foot, unlike when you whiz by everything in a car. Just make sure you pack a solid pair of shoes to walk in. And, if you're really into making a workout of it, bring a fitness tracker too, and see how many steps you can take each day. When exploring a new city or place on foot, you'd be surprised at how many you'll take in a day. Plus, you'll be able to go to the bar at the and of the day and walk yourself home!

Hike, Surf or Do Any Activity Available

Who needs a gym when there are mountains to climb, beach boardwalks to run down, or surf waves to ride. Yes, the best (and most fun) way to exercise while traveling is to exercise like the locals. And the best way to do that is to experience the activities that your chosen vacation place has to offer. Though it may seem like pumping iron in a gym or running on a treadmill is the ideal workout scenario, being out in nature hiking, running, or kayaking (to name a few) will get your heart pumping just as well. You'll see a lot more of the place you're visiting, not waste time in a hotel gym, and probably get some rad Instagram photos of you doing an activity too. Who said workouts can't be rad?

Hit the Classic Hotel Gym if It's Available

Lastly, the good old hotel gym is, of course, one of the best ways to exercise while traveling. This is because it's a gym - just like you have at home. So, if you've got a workout series or regime you're working towards, you can probably go to the hotel gym and find all of the equipment you need to stay on track with it. Some hotel gyms are also really cool. I worked out at a hotel gym in Calgary that offered a panoramic view of the city, which was epic during my sunrise spin bike ride!

If you do go this route, just make sure you don't spend too much time in there. I know this may be a counter intuitive opinion, but you are on vacation after all, so get your workout done and head outside. Or, better yet, opt for one of the options mentioned above instead.

So, if you're a cubicle warrior heading out on a quick trip or a digital nomad living the life abroad, don't stress over exercising. There are tons of great and fun ways to exercise while traveling. You just need to get a little creative. And, if it's done right, it may not even feel like exercise at all.

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