The Best Places for Solo Travel When It's Your First Time

The Best Places for Solo Travel

So you've decided to pack up your camera, bathing suits and sunglasses, strap on your hiking boots / sandals, and venture off into the great unknown all by yourself. Good for you. A lot of people would never take a leap like that. But, let me tell you from experience, it is worth it. And I mean really worth it. Exploring another landscape, culture or culinary experience all alone can (and most likely will be for you) life changing. The tricky part of it all, however, is not only planning the entire adventure, but also, first and foremost, deciding on the best places for solo travel when it's your first time.

Sure, super remote jungle vacations with little to no cellphone coverage, a population that doesn't speak your language at all, and a plethora of wild, dangerous animals may seem like an epic first solo travel location, but places like this can also be a little sketchy if you're not used to trekking out into the world alone.

The goal when picking the best places for solo travel when it's your first time is to minimize the risk of encountering an issue while you're there. Now that may seem like a drag, but there are tons and tons of countries around this earth that offer some of the coolest, most breathtaking scenery, cities and people that you've ever seen, and are totally safe and realistic for a first time solo venture. All you need to do is know what to look for.

So, what makes a country a best place for solo travel when it's your first time? Think about what you'd need on a day-to-day basis to make you feel safe, comfortable, and happy while being alone. Because when you're alone in another country, you need to watch your own back. That means you need to have ample amounts of excursions / tours, restaurants and bars (that are safe) so that you can meet new people and explore all the time, a good / easily accessible health care system in case you get injured, and, of course, a backdrop that will leave you speechless (and your friends jealous). Lost for where to start looking? Here are a few of the best places for a first time solo trip that I recommend:

Howe Sound, British Columbia


I'm biased here, but Canada is truly one of the best places for solo travel and to explore for a first time solo trip. The health care system is one of the best in the world, the people are extraordinarily friendly, and travelers visit our lands from the East Coast to the West Coast all year long. The country also provides an incredible mix of scenery and things to do.

On the East Coast, you will be able to explore tiny fishing towns, hike around large cliffs, watch out for humpback whales and icebergs, and have a few pints in the bars at the end of each day. Check out St. John's in Newfoundland or Halifax in Nova Scotia as a start. On the west coast, some of the world's most beautiful mountains and lakes rise up from the ground. The roads that lead into the mountains are also a spectacular thrill if driving's your thing. Check out the small town of Banff in Canada's rocky mountains, or head right to the coast to Vancouver to see the dramatic mountains loom over the Pacific Ocean.


As a Canadian, Australia is known as a warm version of Canada to us. This means that a lot of the perks of Canada are also present over there, making Australia one of the best places for solo travel if you want to be warm! Australia may lack the jagged, mountains peaks that Canada has, but it makes up for it in epic beaches with tons of surf breaks, wild coastlines, and an outback desert. Just watch out for some of the animals and insects here. They're the only ones that may not take too kindly to a solo traveler.

Arthur's Pass New Zealand

New Zealand

Again, just like Australia, New Zealand offers a lot of the same benefits that Canada does in terms of health care and quality of life. The difference between New Zealand and Australia, however, is that New Zealand has massive mountains like Canada, but it also includes a ton of epic beaches for surfing. And did I mention that New Zealand doesn't sport any of the dangerous critters that Australia has?

So, if you're ok with getting on a plane for almost 24 hours (if you're travelling from North America) to travel to Australia, then check out New Zealand too. They're basically beside each other on the map. All you need to do is decide which place is the best place for solo travel in your mind. If you've got the time and the funds, why not do both?


Now, if trekking into the jungle, tanning on pristine beaches, and partying all night is your thing, then Thailand may be one of the best places for solo travel if it's your first time. In fact, it seems to be one of the most desired places to travel to for both solo and group travelers alike (it's expecting 41 million travelers in 2019). The country itself is fairly safe, and the people are very, very friendly. There are some cultural rules and norms that you will need to learn, however. Most of them are common sense and, if you act respectfully and follow these norms, you shouldn't have any problem.

The other beautiful thing about choosing Thailand for first time solo travel is that there are tons of group tours that travel there. All you need to do is sign up for the tour, hop on a plane, and then get chauffeured around for the duration of your trip. Your guides will then take you to some of the best places in the country, show you where to eat, and plan parties for you and the rest of your tour group. The best part? You'll have other like-minded travelers with you the whole time, so you'll never get bored (and will most likely come home with a squad full of new friends).

Snorkeling Exuma Bahamas

The Bahamas

I don't know if I would recommend this to everyone, however, but my first solo travel was to the Bahamas. As I was planning my trip, I chose to stay at a resort in the Caribbean country, as I was scared to stay at a hotel in the middle of a town by myself. I was encouraged by the people I met at the resort, however, to join some group excursions and explore the Bahamas, and it honestly changed my life.

Staying on the resort helped me become comfortable in another country while travelling alone, and then it gave me the confidence to step off of the resort and explore more of the unknown. Is staying on a resort the best place for everyone's first solo trip? Certainly not. Some people may be more confident right off the bat and want to get out and explore somewhere directly like the places mentioned above, and that's fine too. But just know that there is nothing wrong with travelling to a resort on a solo trip. Even if you do stay on the resort the entire time, that's still cool, too. It's still travelling solo, and it's still an awesome step towards becoming a globe trotting solo adventurer. So, if it feels right, grab a margarita, pick out a beach chair, and chill by the hotel's pool all week.

No matter where you choose to travel, just remember that the best place for solo travel when it's your first time (or any trip, for that matter) is a place that is safe, full of culturally beautiful and friendly people, and filled with breathtaking landscapes, cities and monuments. Oh, and a spot with incredible food never hurt anyone either. Happy solo exploring.

To learn more about how you can explore the globe and live the nomad life you've always dream of, follow me on Instagram and sign up to my mailing list.


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