Tips for Exploring the Acropolis in Athens During the Summer


Visiting Greece in the summer time typically means extraordinarily warm, dry and beautiful weather when visiting both the islands, mainland and, of course, the famous Acropolis in Athens. It can, however, also sometimes mean excruciatingly hot, and even muggy, conditions in Athens. This kind of weather can make even the slightest walks around the streets of Athens a very hot and sweaty affair, which will quickly lead you into the nearest pub instead of the world famous Acropolis. On certain days, you may not even have a choice; the Acropolis has been known to shut down on very hot days, so make sure you check ahead. Assuming it is open, however, some simple planning can help make your trek to the Acropolis a lot more safe and enjoyable. So, how can one go about exploring the Acropolis and Athens on even the hottest of days? Here are some tips to help get you through the heat:

Dress / Pack Light

The Acropolis is located on a massive hill near the Athens city centre. This means that you will not only have to trek through the city streets to get there, but also climb up some pretty steep streets, switchbacks and stairs in the process. All of this on a hot summer day in Athens can be a recipe for heat and / or sunstroke. Light clothing is definitely a must during this time of the year. And if you have to bring a pack, ensure that it only has the bare essentials.

Bring Water

You can purchase water when you get up near the Acropolis, but, as mentioned above, the journey up the hill towards it can be a bit of a struggle. It's a good idea to keep a bottle with you just in case you start to feel dehydrated along the way. At a bare minimum, make sure you bring some money or your credit card to grab some on route or when you reach the Acropolis. During the summer months, drinking water on the hike is a must, otherwise dehydration and heat stroke are very real issues that can occur when exploring the Acropolis.

Start Early

The earlier you go exploring the Acropolis the coolor the hike will be. Temperatures tend to rise fairly quickly in Greece during the summer months, so starting out first thing in the morning would be the best way to capitalize on potentially cooler temperatures. The added benefit of doing this, too, is that there will also be less tourists at the top, making it easier to take Instagram photos without anyone in the frame. If you head out really early, you'll also probably get a pretty epic view of the sunrise as you hike up towards the entrance gate.


Buy Tickets in Advance

This was something I didn't know until a few days before my trip, but you can actually buy your tickets in advance online. This will save you from standing in the ticket line in the insane heat after you've climbed up to the Acropolis's entrance gate. This is ideal, because, even if you have a ticket, you still need to stand in line to have your ticket scanned. Again, this is where bringing water is key, as it is impossible to avoid the crowds and lineups while exploring the Acropolis. Buying a ticket in advance, however, will minimize the amount of time you spend waiting. You can purchase your tickets here.

Watch Your Step

This isn't fully a hot weather tip for exploring the Acropolis, but it is a safety tip that surely gets heightened when the heat is at a high. The stairs throughout the Acropolis are made of a very slick marble. They are literally as slick as ice. I nearly wiped out on them a few times, and so did almost everyone within my vicinity. Tread carefully when walking on them, and try to keep this in mind as your body gets tired from hiking and exploring the Acropolis in the extreme heat.

So, if you have decided to visit Greece during its prime summer months, you will enjoy some of the most beautiful weather on the planet in one of its most beautiful places. You will also, however, be potentially subjected to some extreme heat when visiting the world famous Acropolis in Athens. Just remember to pack light, bring some water and take your time. And if it's really hot, make sure you stop for a cold beer on your way back to the hotel.

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