Maximize Your Weekend

Most of us spend our time waiting, wishing and hoping that the week will go by faster so that we can enjoy Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Though I, too, fall into this ideal, I also believe we should enjoy every day equally as much, but I will cover that in a later article. So what do you do when you reach the coveted end of your week? Do you spend time with family and friends? Do you spend time lying on the couch? For a lot of us, we spend our time waiting for these few coveted days, waste them by doing nothing, and then grieve them when the weekend’s over. I realized a little while ago just how precious these few days actually are. I mean, we spend all week sitting at a cubicle, staring at a computer screen and abiding by our routines. Should we not maximize our free time? A few weekends ago I decided I’d give this idea a try, considering that our boss let us out of work at around noon on Friday. When I left work, I drove to the gym, worked out, picked up my friend after, drove up to Rattlesnake Point to hike, looked at scenic views and followed turkey vultures, sat on a patio, invited a few friends over for a bbq, drank cold beer and ate great food, and then went back to another patio. That may seem like a tiring day, but the amount of fun, bonding and excitement that day entailed created a lot of energy for the rest of the weekend. I felt like I had utilized my extra time off to the fullest. I’ve carried this principal and ideology on ever since, and, because of this, I’ve had more great stories, relaxation and excitement every weekend than I’ve ever had before. Here are a few ways you can maximize your weekend and create your own incredible stories.

Spend Time Outside

The weekend is the perfect time to escape the dullness and dreariness that our cubicles provide. Try grabbing a coffee, walking through a harbor or perusing a local park. The grass, waves and air will help clear your head, relieve stress and refresh your body. If you’re more adventurous, do some research and track down some of the local trails. There are provincial parks near most towns and cities in Canada, so there shouldn’t be a short supply of challenging and beautiful trails to try. The weekend also provides a good excuse for hopping on your bicycle or engaging in some other outdoor exercise. Running down a coastline trail makes sweating and working out a little bit easier. If you’re feeling adventurous, try stand up paddle boarding for a cooler challenge.

Learn Something New

The weekend also provides time for us to catch up on our reading, visit a local museum or discover a new craft. Many of us have hobbies that we wish we had the time for. If we avoid sleeping in all morning, watching TV until 5, and napping until 7, we end up having a full day to engage with a new activity (and we still have time to go to the bar after!). Just think, people have written novels in their free time, so why can’t you achieve something similar with your free time?

Cook Great Food

And drink great drinks. During the week, we often grab a quick bite to eat, throw whatever we have left in the fridge together or munch on last night’s leftovers. The weekend offers us time to actually cook ourselves a nice meal. Try getting up on Saturday morning, finding your local farmers market and cooking a meal full of fresh and local food. While you’re there, pick up some lemons, limes and oranges and make some cocktails for your friends after dinner. Nothing takes the edge off a long week like a well made drink with friends.

Spend Time With Family and Friends

This one is just common sense, but make sure you make time for your friends and family. I don’t just mean making a quick visit on Sunday afternoon; I mean plan something. This can be anything from drinking coffee, going on a hike, planning a bbq or visiting a local museum. The possibilities are endless. When we engage in activities with our friends and families we not only create stronger bonds, but also learn more about our communities. Spending time with our friends and families provides us with the greatest potential for spending time outside and learning something new, as these outlets provide the perfect occasion for meeting up with those closest to us.So next weekend, spend less time sitting on the couch, create some great food, have some drinks with your friends and maximize your weekend.For more content like this, follow me here.


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